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Returns & Refund Guarantee

The “Returns & Refund Guarantee” is a promise provided by sellers for their products sold on When item(s) are bought on and are not as described or possess any quality issues , you will receive assistance from the seller in resolving any issues you are having with the item(s). will also offer additional assistance if the seller is not cooperative.

The following points should not be included in the “Returns & Refund Guarantee”:
A. Sellers didn’t set up any “promise”.
B. Sellers can provide evidence to improve his/her item(s) are as described.
C. Seller’s “promise” time frame has expired.
D. You have released payment to sellers before asking help from

Sellers are able to set up the following “promise”:

Returning Item(s) for any reason

Buyers can return item(s) for a refund within a specific day which has been set up by seller: Such as 3-days, 7-days, 15-days, and/or 30-days from the day when the item(s) were received. The item(s) receive date is the date that is indicated on the official shipping carrier’s website.

This policy is subject to the seller’s service terms on who is responsible for the return shipping cost. Buyers should prepay any return shipping cost, which will then get reimbursement after the seller receives the item(s).

Returns or Refunds accepted if the product is not as described

Buyers can return the item(s) for a refund when they are not as described or possess quality issues by communicating directly with seller.

This policy is subject to the seller’s service terms on who is responsible for the return shipping cost. Buyers should prepay any return shipping cost, which will then get reimbursement after the seller receives the item(s). Buyers can contact customer service center or open a “Return & Refund” case if sellers are not cooperative. Please communicate directly with seller to confirm the shipping carrier before returning your item(s), and please keep your shipping receipt or invoice for further reimbursement. The item(s) must be returned in the same exact condition as when it was delivered.

Buyers can get a refund and keep the item(s) when the items are not as described or possess any quality issue by negotiating directly with sellers or by opening a “Return and Refund” case.

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